
This study examines the effect of TKI remittances and foreign investment on Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves. This study uses secondary data with a quantitative approach. The analysis was carried out using the Multiple Linear Regression analysis method with the Ordinary Least Square model. The data used are from the World Bank publication with time series data from 1993 - 2022. The results of the analysis show that TKI Remittances have a positive and significant effect on Foreign Exchange Reserves. Meanwhile, Foreign Investment has a negative and insignificant effect on Foreign Exchange Reserves. Simultaneously, TKI Remittances and Foreign Investment have a significant positive effect on Foreign Exchange Reserves. This is consistent with the Monetary Approach Balance Payment (MABP) principle which states that changes in the amount of domestic money available, which is influenced by international fund flows such as TKI Remittances and Foreign Investment, will affect Foreign Exchange Reserves through an increase in the Balance of Payments.


Foreign exchange Reserves, Remittances, Foreign investment


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