
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has arrived. Change is everywhere, radically and massively. All life joints are affected by sudden disruption. An organization as a business entity, like it or not, like it or not, must face trouble that has devastated the stable order—no exception with PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero), one of the state-owned enterprises engaged in courier services, must also face disruption. It not only makes its market share decline but also threatens its existence so far—one serious thing which PT must address. Pos Indonesia is a matter of improving the quality of human resources owned. As we know, the back and forth of an organization is primarily determined by the existence of human resources. The existing human resources are the biggest challenges that PT must overcome. Indonesian post. This instability can be seen from the composition of existing employees regarding age and their qualifications/competencies. For that, we need a strategic step to improve the quality of human resources owned by PT. Pos Indonesia to compete with other organizations in an era filled with this uncertainty. And several ways that can be taken by the company, among others, by conducting human resource-based assessments and measuring all human resources owned by PT. Pos Indonesia.


Human resources, human resources measurement, human resources quality improvement strategies, human resources-based assessment

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