Rifqul ‘Afif, Priti Adelia


This research was conducted at BAZNAS Padang Panjang City. Where BAZNAS Padang Panjang City has carried out the distribution of zakat to the community as business capital by giving zakat, the purpose of which is that zakat can develop so that the goal of zakat to increase poverty alleviation is decreasing month and year. This type of research is field research, which means that data collection efforts are carried out directly in the field or research location by making observations. This research is descriptive quantitative. Which intends to find out how effective the distribution of productive zakat to micro businesses is a case study of BAZNAS Padang Panjang City. Based on the results of simple regression analysis, the variable distribution of zakat to micro businesses is Y = a + bX 16,053 + 0.663X. If the distribution of zakat increases by 1%, it will increase micro businesses by 0.663. Based on the results of this study, there is a positive influence between the distribution of zakat by 54.4%, the higher the distribution of zakat, the higher the microbusiness. From the calculation of the tcount of 8.801 above compared to the ttable (db 65) which is 1.670. The significant level is 5% so tcount ttable then H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. In other words, reject the null hypothesis (H0) and accept the alternative hypothesis (H1) for testing both variables. So it can be concluded that variable X has a significant influence on variable Y. From the results of hypothesi testing it is proven that "there is a significant influence between the distribution of zakat to micro businesses.


Distribution, Productive Zakat, Microenterprise


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