Rizda Octaviani, Radha Marsya Nurfatwa


This research was conducted to 1) find out the public's understanding of cash waqf with the aim of knowing how far the influence of people's understanding of cash waqf and 2) how the influence of people's understanding of cash waqf on willingness to pay waqf. This research was conducted in Jorong Sawah Parik Nagari Panyalaian, X Koto District, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra Province. The type of research used is quantitative research with a population of 936 and a total sample of 90 respondents with a quantitative descriptive research technique. Based on the research results, it was found that there was a positive influence between the influence of public knowledge about cash waqf by 22%, the higher the influence of public knowledge about cash waqf, the higher the public's willingness to pay waqf. A significant influence was found between the Community's Understanding of Cash Waqf on the Willingness to Pay Waqf. This is evidenced by the results of the product moment correlation analysis of 0.459 compared to the significance level rtable of 5% N = 88 of 0.207. It was concluded that the alternative hypothesis (H1), namely that there was an influence on the community's understanding of cash waqf on the willingness to pay waqf in the Jorong Sawah Parik community, was accepted. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence between community knowledge on the willingness to pay waqf (a case study of the Jorong Sawah Parik community).


knowledge, cash waqf


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