study aims to analyze the effect of the depth of outreach on financial sustainability in the Koperasi Jasa
Keuangan Sharia Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (KJKS BMT) kelurahan Kota Padang. This study is an analysis
of causality. The analysis was carried out for two years of financial statements, 2014 and 2015. Samples
were taken using a purposive sampling approach. The financial sustainability issues are analyzed with two
variables, namely return on assets (ROA) and non-performing financing (NPF) which are used as dependent
variables in multiple regression models. As independent variables, the average value of financing provided
by the KJKS BMT kelurahan Kota Padang is used as a proxy for the level of the depth of outreach and
several other control variables. The results of this study reveal that there is a trade-off between the depth of
outreach from financing services to poor households to the BMT KJKS kelurahan Kota Padang and financial
sustainability as is the case in conventional microfinance institutions. So, naturally in practice there will be
reluctance in the KJKS of BMT Kota Padang urban village to provide financing services to poor households
because of their negative financial performance.
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