
This study aims to examine the effect of financial inclusion from the dimensions of access, user, quality, wealth
on bank behavior and debt behavior and the indirect influence of each dimension of financial inclusion on
bank behavior and household debt behavior. With population areas and samples in the city of Pekanbaru,
Riau, Indonesia.The research focused on the demand side in banking services, namely consumer credit services
to households. Using a purposive sampling method with a total sample of 303 household units in the city of
Pekanbaru.The analysis tool used in the study was SEM-WarpPLS version 6.From this study the authors
found that access, user, quality, wealth had a positive effect on the behavior of household debt, then the
authors found that access, user, quality had a positive effect on bank behavior, then found that access, user,
quality, wealth had an indirect positive effect towards debt behavior through mediating bank behavior.It was
concluded from this study that the behavior of banks as mediating variables can reduce the direct influence
of financial inclusion on the behavior of household debt.


Banking Behavior, Debt Behavior, Financial Inclusion

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