Febriani Febriani, Lenny Hasan, Sapta Eka Putra, Mayang Larasati


The aim is to reveal the actual facts about the quality of service in public service organizations that use the dimensions of tangible, reliability, and responsiveness. This research is qualitative research, the sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Consideration in choosing a sample is people who understand public services. Data collection techniques through observation, in-depth interviews, semi-structured face-to-face with selected respondents, and document reports. Test the credibility of the data with the triangulation technique to analyze the research findings. The results of the research findings are tangible (physical evidence) where people feel dissatisfied with the services provided because the facilities and infrastructure are still lacking and access to technology is slow. The reliability of employees who provide services and the ability to use the system is very lacking in the need to improve service quality through training and education. Employee responsiveness is still lacking because there is no socialization of standard operating procedures or policies in improving service to employees both old and new employees so the service provided is not excellent.


public service, ability, quality


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15548/jebi.v7i1.642


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