

Issue Title
Vol 5, No 1 (2024) The Function and Social Value of Death Rituals: A Comparative Study of Confucian and Muslim Traditions Abstract  PDF
Aqiel Sifa' Abdallah Putra
Vol 4, No 1 (2023) Tiga Agama Satu Tempat Ibadah: Doktrin dan Ritual Vihara Tri Dharma Satya Budhi Bandung Abstract  PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Syamsul Hadi Untung, Abdullah Muslich Rizal Maulana, Annisa Syifa Mulya, Zatul Faidah, Nurul Alfiyah, Aulidina Nurfazri
Vol 3, No 2 (2022) Buddhism and Confucianism on Homosexuality: The Acceptance and Rejection Based on The Arguments of Religious Texts Abstract  PDF
Andi Alfian
Vol 2, No 2 (2021) The Ecological Dimension of Confucian Religion: Perceiving Human-Nature Relation in the Anthropocosmic Principle Abstract  PDF
Krisharyanto Umbu Deta
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