Jamaldi Jamaldi


Abstract :        The aims of the study: (1) Describe the values of Indonesiaan instilled in boarding school. (2) Describe the moderation of Islam that respects differences in pesantren (Islamic Boarding School). (3) Describes the relationship between growing Indonesianan values in pesantren with the moderation of santri who uphold the dignity of humanity personally and socially sovereign humanity. This study used a quantitative approach. The research found: (1) The values of the Indonesian-owned santri (students) pertained high. (2) The moderation attitudes of the santri are high. (3) There is a relationship between the understanding of Indonesian-owned santri with Islamic moderation developed pesantren. Conclusion: Pesantrens are also agents of change of thought, especially the planting of Indonesian values. Then at the same time pesantren also penumbuhkembangan moderasi Islam tolerant, cooperate, mutual respect so as able to build moderate Islam in the middle of society, in realizing harmonization in social life.


Keyword : Islam Kean Indonesiaan, Moderation, Pesantren and Harmony Society.

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