Wahyu Sebagai Sumber Dakwah
Al-Quran becomes a special reference and also standard
measurement for every Moslem activities. There are
many sides that must be studied from al-Quran. As the
main resource of dakwah, Al-Qur'an should be known as
close as possible. The writer explains mufass ir discourse
about revelation of wahyu.
measurement for every Moslem activities. There are
many sides that must be studied from al-Quran. As the
main resource of dakwah, Al-Qur'an should be known as
close as possible. The writer explains mufass ir discourse
about revelation of wahyu.
Full Text:
Abu Luis al-Makluf, Al-Munjid, Bei-ru Dar al-Ma'arif, tt,1990
Marna' Khalil al-Qattan, Mabahls Ulumil Qur'an, Riyadh; Mansyurat,
al Ash al-Hadits tt
terjemahannya Stadi Ilmu-lmu Quran oleh Mudzakir As, Jakarta; Litera AntarNusa, 1996
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/al-hikmah.v0i0.1001
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