Manajemen Bimbingan Manasik Umrah pada Andalas Education Tour (AET) Travel – PT. Penjuru Wisata Negeri

Delta Herlina, Japeri Japeri, Anwar Syarkawi


One program from AET Travel - PT. The State Tourism Corners are debriefing or rituals given to prospective Umrah pilgrims. AET Travel has performed the Umrah rituals well. However, there are still some pilgrims who do not understand the material delivered by the instructor, lack of clarity about the main tasks and functions of each employee and the lack of facilities that support ritual activities. For the sake of the smooth rituals, AET Travel needs to implement management functions properly. The research method that I use is a qualitative method. Sources of data obtained from managers, employees, prospective pilgrims and archives such as absent pilgrims, instructor lists and material lists. Based on the research conducted by the author, planning rituals on AET Travel, namely setting goals of rituals that are based on the vision and mission of AET Travel, compiling programs, assigning instructors and materials, choosing media, using appropriate facilities or infrastructure, setting budget funds and setting the time and location manasik. Organizing on AET Travel is to assign duties and responsibilities to employees well in advance of the implementation of the rituals and the determination of instructors based on the conditions set. In terms of mobilization, AET Travel provides guidance and motivation to employees in the form of awareness that the Umrah rituals are the right of prospective pilgrims and the motivation given to instructors is in the form of honorariums. Supervision by the manager is a briefing to monitor the preparation of employees before the implementation of the rituals and the practice of the manager also attended to see the preparation of pilgrims. While indirect supervision is in the form of reports from employees on duty, documentation and attendance lists of pilgrims. Reports received by managers are only verbal reports


Management; Umrah;Service

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