Fungsi-Fungsi Manajemen Dalam Pengelolaan Funding dan Financing Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil El-Uswah Dalam Meningkatkan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) Di Dharmasraya

Robi Sugara, sabiruddin sabiruddin, Nora Zulvianti


The El-Uswah BMT Institute was established on August 11, 2008 and was granted a legal entity under the Dharmasraya Kopperidak Office on August 28, 2009 under Number: 507/03 / DK / BH / III.17 / VII-2009. Based on data before profit tax generated by BMT El-Uswah in 2014-2017 experienced a significant decrease in tax profits so that business profits are reduced every year. The purpose of this study is to find out what causes the decrease in profit before tax in 20142017 at the El-Uswah BMT institution, so that it can become a benchmark for the management of El-Uswah BMT. This research is a field research, using qualitative methods. A method that describes and paints events according to their actual circumstances. This type of research is descriptive. The data source in this study is the management of the El-Uswah BMT. Data collection techniques carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that, a) El-Uswah BMT planning in the El-Uswah BMT fund collector and distributor was determined once a year which was named the Annual Member Meeting (RAT). The basic purpose of the El-Uswah BMT is to establish the shari'ah system. Another goal is to help poverty and eliminate the name moneylenders. In addition, this institution also formulates targets to achieve the targets achieved. This institution also determines the schedule by looking at what has been prepared, establishes procedures for savings and loans, this institution also determines what policies are implemented for the future. b) El-Uswah BMT Program in compiling fund collectors and distributors with the aim of increasing savings and loans, but programs that have been created but are not posted, the program targets are aimed at customers and micro and small business entrepreneurs (MSMEs), training programs are given to members , management and business actors to improve skills and skills. c) El-Uswah BMT Budget in collecting and channeling funds by looking at reports and bookkeeping, setting budgets and achieving targets for increasing capital and the welfare of members and the community, the conditions in the budget are to facilitate the savings and loan process. d) The ElUswah BMT system in collecting and channeling funds has an easy system such as a manual and electronic system. This institution also has good feedback from the community to the El-Uswah BMT institution. In addition, this institution also upholds the sharia system and muamalah fiqh.


Manajemen; BMT; usaha mikro

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