Asep Amaludin


This article describes the implementation of strategic management and kyai leadership in shaping the character of students at the Roudhotut Tholibin Hidayatul Qur'an Islamic boarding school, Randudongkal Village, Randudongkal District, Pemalang Regency. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The technique of collecting data using observation, interview and documentation methods. As for knowing the validity of the data using the trangulation method, namely by comparing the results of observations, interviews and documentation. The results of the research analysis show that first the implementation of strategic management is divided into 3 phases 1) Strategy formulation includes: visionmission development, identification of external opportunities and threats, analyzing internal strengths and weaknesses, formulating long-term goals, producing alternative strategies, and selecting specific strategies for achieving goals. 2) strategy implementation and 3) strategy evaluation. The two kyai leadership that is applied in the formation of the character of the boarding school santri are Charismatic-Traditional-rational leadership styles. However, the obstacles faced are limited infrastructure and inadequate human resources.


Strategic Management, kyai leadership and the character of the students

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