So far, the unit of spiritual activities is only one of the stages of student learning in organization at Padang State University, but it turns out that they also have their own skills in managing this spiritual activity unit. They also have their own skills in managing this spiritual activity unit. This paper examines the Management of the Unit of Spiritual Activities of the Padang State University to determine planning, organizing, mobilizing and monitoring. This research is field research using qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. After the data was collected, then analyzed and conclusions were drawn. The results of this study were the planning carried out by the Spiritual Activity Unit of the Padang State University, namely by conducting a work program meeting first with all administrators by looking at the vision, mission and objectives. Organizing is done by first grouping people into management fields. Then the work program that has been set at the beginning is divided in a way that is adjusted to the existing fields, then only in the fields that determine the people who will run the program. Movement is done by first explaining the activities to be carried out.
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