Youtube Channel Nussa Official: Pesan Dakwah untuk Anak-Anak dalam Nussa Season 3

Julita Lestari


This study explains the da'wah messages contained in the Nussa Official YouTube channel, especially in the videos contained in season 3. This research is a qualitative research using interpretation and content analysis methods. The results found that the da'wah content displayed on the Nussa Official YouTube channel, namely; imitating the nature of Rasulullah SAW. in trading; mention the word 'please' if you need help and the word 'thank you' if you are helped; be kind to others and Allah SWT.; and adab if you have a bad dream. The analysis of da'wah messages on 4 content on the Nussa Official YouTube channel, namely: first, trade like Rasulullah SAW. trades that are trustworthy, honest and trustworthy. Second, if you need help from others, say good words and don't forget to express gratitude as a form of appreciation to those who help. Third, continue to be kind to others and Allah SWT. From the good thought that is done, hopefully Allah will bring good results. Fourth, there are adab that a Muslim can do if he has a bad dream so that the day he lives can be calm and safe.


Da’wah, Nussa Official, Youtube.

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