ABSTRACT One of the youth groups that has been actively participating in religious activities within the community is the End Times Youth Group (KUPAZ), based in Panai Hulu District, Labuhanbatu Regency. The presence of the End Times Youth Group has enhanced religious activities in the area, which were previously minimal. This study is a field research with a descriptive qualitative approach, aimed at providing an accurate overview of the situation in the field. The research informants were determined using purposive sampling technique. Data sources consist of primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from KUPAZ mentors, KUPAZ leaders, and one of the KUPAZ members, while secondary data were obtained from the head of Panai Hulu District, religious scholars, and one member of the local community. The research findings indicate that the role of the End Times Youth Group in religious activities includes three aspects: providing motivation to the community, shaping character education, and promoting social religious activities. Supporting factors in activating religious activities by the KUPAZ organization include adequate facilities, the role of advisors and mentors, as well as enthusiastic support and appreciation from the local community. However, there are inhibiting factors that also need to be considered, such as lack of funds for activities, insufficient responsible human resources, poor communication among members, and difficulty in determining the appropriate timing for conducting activities. Kwyword: Organization, Religious Activities, KUPAZ
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