Kajian Komunikasi Massa menurut Perspektif Periodisasi

Mulyanti Syas


The study of mass communication concepts in this literary refers to the opinion Chaffe and Metzger are evaluating this concept to three important conceptualization about mass communication, that is: 1) the mass communication media as an institution 2) Mass communication as a social problem, and c) Mass communication as an academic study. Concepts related to other mass media is gatekeeping. Kurt Lewin states a theory about group dynamics and the concept of gatekeeper.


komunikasi massa; periodisasi

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Jurnal :

Steven H. Caffe and Miriam J Metzger, The End of Mass Communication?, dalam Journal Mass Communication & Society, Vol. 4 Number 4., 2001

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/amj-kpi.v0i0.727


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