Al-Qalb : Jurnal Psikologi Islam

Al-Qalb : Jurnal Psikologi Islam was first published in August 2008 as part of the Journal Work Program of the Faculty of Ushuluddin IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. The publication of this journal is a response to the high interest of academics and researchers to participate in the development and dissemination of research results in the field of psychology. This journal was vacuumed in 2012 and re-published in 2013.

Since 2015, Al-Qalb : Jurnal Psikologi Islam has been managed directly by the Journal Team of the Islamic Psychology Study Program. This journal is expected to be a forum for the academic community of the Islamic Psychology Study Program which consists of lecturers and students in developing knowledge as well as using it to improve the quality of community life. In addition, we hope this journal can be used by lecturers to publish their research. For students, this journal can be used to broadening their knowledge, especially in the field of Islamic Psychology as well as encouraging the enthusiasm for conducting research and disseminating the results among universities.

Al-Qalb: Jurnal Psikologi Islam is published two times a year (March and September) and publishes 8 articles in each edition. Al-Qalb: Jurnal Psikologi Islam has been accredited (SINTA 5) by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Certificate No. 36/E/KPT/2019). The accreditation was established in early 2019 and lasts for 5-year period.


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Jurnal Psikologi Islam Al-Qalb


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Vol 15, No 1 (2024)

Table of Contents


Peningkatan Perkembangan Komunikasi Pada Anak Down Syndrome Melalui Terapi Murottal
DOI : 10.15548/alqalb.v15i1.7179 | Abstract views : 476 times | PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 405 times
Indah Andika Octavia, Puti Lenggogeni
Ikhwanisifa Ikhwanisifa, Rita Susanti, Anggia Kargenti Eva Nurul Marretih
Fenomena Childfree Ditinjau dari Sudut Pandang Psikologi dan Islam
DOI : 10.15548/alqalb.v15i1.6490 | Abstract views : 146 times | PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 252 times
Firdhaniaty Rachmania, Agnes Syakura Zhafira, Nabilah Putri Arisa, Nirmala Novtika Putri
Ema zati baroroh, Syarifah Fathiyyah Azzahrah
Putri Anisa Charisma, Risna Hayati, Rizki Filya
Instrumen Pengukuran Kepribadian Muthmainnah: Analisis Model Rasch
DOI : 10.15548/alqalb.v15i1.7885 | Abstract views : 321 times | PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 192 times
Afina Oktavia, Mohammad Nursalim Malay, Iin Yulianti
DOI : 10.15548/alqalb.v15i1.6584 | Abstract views : 49 times | PDF : 55 times
Agung Wibowo, Arina Ilfa Rusyda, Fitriyani Ramyana, Ghina Imtinan, Muhammad Antos Riady
Pengaruh FoMO dan Emotional Intelligence Terhadap Internet Addiction Pada Mahasiswa
DOI : 10.15548/alqalb.v15i1.7949 | Abstract views : 182 times | PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 290 times
Firman Syah, Hamim Rosyidi