This edition consists of 8 articles. The first article discusses Malik Badri's criticism of modern psychology, especially the paradigm of psychoanalysis and behaviorism. The next article analyzes the effectiveness of the team based on team metrics developed by Woodcock &Francus (2008). The third article discusses the psychological preparedness of respondents to disasters in term of the aspect of self efficacy and religious coping. The next article discusses about relationship between sense of belonging and homesickness in new students in boarding schools. Furthermore, an article was also presented that discussed the relationship of religiosity and academic resilience of students in the Ilamic Psychology’s perspective. The next article discusses the effectiveness of mindfulness training to improve quality of life in people with HIV/AIDS. The next article also discusses the resilience in different settings that resilience of the villagers after the conflict with the villagers of Sleman ini Kerinci.The last article discusses the effect of communication skills on the work readiness of graduates of West Sumatera
Table of Contents
Jarman Arroisi, Iqbal Maulana Alfiansyah, Martin Putra Perdana
Kitara Harumi, Anissa Lestari Kadiyono
Arini Mayang Fa'uni, Raden Rachmy Diana
Mita Lestari
Firyal Nadhifah, Karimulloh Karimulloh
Rahma Putri Ramadhani, Fuad Nashori, Retno Kumolohadi
Agung Iranda
Dhila Izza Angraini, Murisal Murisal, Widia Sri Ardias