Yulia Yulia


The purpose of this research finding is to find out the inhibiting and supporting factors as well as the efforts made by Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Fostering Honest Character Education of Students in Vocational High Schools 2 Jambi City which are still unoptimal.

This research used qualitative approach which is a method that is used to find the broadest knowledge of the research objects at the time the research was conducted. The approach used in this research is descriptive research approach.

The findings and analysis research are, namely The results of this study indicate that the by Islamic Religious Education Teacher Personality Competence in Fostering the Honest Character of Students in Vocational High Schools 2 Jambi City is good. It can be seen that educators already have competencies in themselves to teach and foster students' character with professional competence, pedagogical competence, social competence and personality competence that will converse their profession. One of the competencies is the personality competence of a teacher in a school that is able to become a model or model for people around him, especially for students in Jambi City Vocational High School 2 in Jambi City. (1) First Inhibiting Factors: Internal factors, a. Lack of awareness in the self of the importance of honesty; b. Somestudents are not disciplined in school; c. Limited supervision from the school. External factors; a. Family environment; b. Community environment.(2) Supporting factors include: a. Encouragement from the principal; b. Dedication of teachers to their duties and responsibilities; c. Teacher modeling. Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in fostering the honest character of students:(1) Integrated Curriculum; (2) Exemplary; (3) Habituation; (4) Guidance of fifth counseling; (5) building a team to improve honest character coaching in students.

The implication is, Personality Competence of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Fostering Honest Character Education of Students in Vocational High Schools 2 Jambi City in order to further enhance personality competencies by reading and recognizing the surrounding environment, using varied methods in the process of fostering honest character of students, utilizing media and technology in coaching and increasing exemplary as a teacher.

Keywords: Personality Competencies, Islamic Religious Education Teachers, Honest Character of student.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/attarbiyah.v11i2.2177
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