Keunggulan Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Membina Karakter Siswa di SMP Islam Terpadu Sabbihisma Kota Padang

Firdaus Firdaus


Character is the basic trait of every person. Allah SWT provides strengths and weaknesses for every human being, in the form of reason and religious guidance, in order to be able to become the most perfect creation. However, in this era of globalization, character values such as religion, discipline and independence for students are increasingly lacking. Therefore, it is necessary to try to return this character value. Religious education teachers have a big responsibility to foster a generation to have good character. In this research, the problem to be discussed is fostering the values of religious character, discipline and independence of students through Islamic religious education at SMP IT Sabbihisma, Padang City. This study aims to determine the advantages of Islamic religious education in fostering this character. This research is a field study conducted with a qualitative description method. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews and documents. While the data analysis used is descriptive analysis method. The results of this study indicate that the advantages of Islamic religious education in fostering students' religious values include being able to shape student personality which is reflected in their behavior and mindset. Whereas the advantage in fostering independent values is being able to teach aqidah as a religious basis, and creating awareness in oneself due to habituation. As well, the value of the character of discipline teaching fiqh as legal signs in worship, has reward and punishment. Islamic religious education helps prepare people who obey the rules and times. In achieving a character with character, many programs are run as a form of habituation for SMP IT Sabbihisma Padang City students. Because Islamic religious education has a strategic role in overseeing changes in student attitudes and behavior.


Education, Islam, and Character Value

Abstract views : 143 times



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