Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran PAI Pada Era Revolusi Industri Melalui Peran Guru

Nisrina Nabila Huwaida


The role of Islamic religious education teachers is very important in improving the quality of learning in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. Along with the development of technology and digitization, religious education teachers must be able to use available technology and learning media to help facilitate the teaching and learning process. In addition, teachers of Islamic religious education must also keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of education and technology, so that they can provide relevant understanding for students. The research method that the author uses is library research, or often referred to as library research or library research, is a research approach that relies on written sources such as books, scientific journals, articles and other publications as a basis for collecting data and information. relevant to the research topic. The steps taken by the author include: identifying the topic of the problem; identify sources of literature such as journal articles, books, theses, and other publications; evaluate and select the sources of literature; reading and analyzing literary sources; perform synthesis and writing: After reading and analyzing literary sources, synthesis of the information that the author has collected. Find patterns, similarities, differences, or trends in the findings that the authors have identified; record and cite the sources of literature that the authors use in the research report. The results of the study suggest that in facing the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the role of Islamic religious education teachers as facilitators and educators cannot be replaced by technology. What's more, Islamic religious education teachers also play an important role in shaping the character and morals of students, which cannot be replaced by technology. Therefore, teachers of Islamic religious education must always innovate, improve the quality of learning, and remain at the forefront of education.


Improving learning quality; industrial revolution era; teacher role; islamic education.

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