Efektivitas Penggunaan Reading Aloud Method Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Iqra’
This research explores the effectiveness of using the reading aloud method in teaching Iqra reading to Darul Ilmi Kindergarten (TK) children. The reading aloud method is known as a teaching technique that involves reading text aloud, which in this context is used to introduce and practice the pronunciation of hijaiyah letters. This research aims to identify the impact of this method on children's phonological abilities, understanding and involvement in the Iqra learning process. The research method uses an experimental method with a quasi-experimental model with a quantitative approach. The research sample was 20 people consisting of the experimental class and the control class. The research results stated that the normality test was > 0.05 and the homogeneity test was > 0.05. Meanwhile, the T test or Independent Samples Test <0.05 with a result of 0.008. Thus, the reading aloud method influences the iqra reading ability of Darul Ilmi Kindergarten children.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/attarbiyah.v15i1.8722
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