Aplikasi Metode Gramatika & Tarjamah (Qawa’id Wa Tarjamah) Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab

Ade Sri Wahyuni, Musalwa Musalwa, Ifkar Rasyid, Asrina Asrina


The Qawaid wa Tarjamah method has become one of the traditional methods still used in learning Arabic. However, in its implementation on the ground there is a gap between theory and application. This research uses a qualitative approach with the method of research Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The data is obtained from the sources of the website of journals accredited by SINTA with the publication of articles from the year 2021 s/d 2023. The data analysis is carried out with SLR steps i.e. 1) Research Question, 2) Search Process, 3) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria, 4) Quality Assessment, and 5) Data Analysis. As for the boarding houses, this method is more effective because of the hostel's supportive environmental factors. However, in order to more holistic and effective results, it is important to combine these methods with learning techniques that support student communication skills and motivation. This research recommends the development of a curriculum that integrates various learning methods to improve the overall Arabic language skills of students.


Qawaid wa tarjamah; grammar; translation; arabic learning; application; method.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/attarbiyah.v15i1.9543


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