Implementation of Multicultural Education in Learning Foreign Languages for Elementary School

Suci Ramadhanti Febriani


The background of each individual is a difference that cannot be removed from one's identity. This forms the basic character of students. Although there is still a dichotomy between culture and language, it needs to be recognized that culture has a major influence on the process of language learning, including the learning of foreign languages. The purpose of this study was to reveal how the application of Multicultural Education in learning foreign languages at Al-Kautsar Elementary School Malang. The approach used is a Qualitative Approach with the Case Study method. Data sources come from related parties such as students, teachers, school facilities and infrastructure. The technique of collecting data based on observation, interviews and documentation using data analysis techniques using triangulation techniques. From the results of the research obtained, the application of multicultural education in learning foreign languages is seen in: 1) Learning Process, (2) Learning Materials (3) Learning Resources. So with this, it is hoped that multicultural education can be a solution and developed to improve the learning process of foreign languages.
Keywords: Multicultural Education, Learning Foreign Languages, Elementary School.

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