EFL Teachers’ Problems in Constructing English Mid-Semester Test at State Junior High School 12 Padang

Martin Kustati, Vivi Zurniati


The objectives of this study are to find out the EFL teachers’ problems in constructing English Mid Semester test at SMPN 12 Padang. This research used descriptive qualitative method, where the data were collected through Interview and document analysis. The interview was conducted to determine the teachers’ problems in constructing the test, while, the document analysis to triangulate the result of interview. The researcher chooses two English teachers who teach at class VII. The finding of the study shows that the construction of mid-semester test in this school is based on the principles’ association, where each of them attends the meeting to make the test together. This design was used by this school that sends their teachers and also others that the teachers do not attend the meeting. It is recommended that in making mid semester test; it should be giving to the schools’ teachers and committee since all of them know precisely the students’ ability and comprehension. The teachers may also design the test by giving special items to dig more about their students’ comprehension on each subject matter.
Keywords: English Mid-Semester Test; EFL teacher; English as a Foreign Language.

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UPT Pengembangan Bahasa, Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang Jl. M. Yunus No. 1, Lubuk Lintah, Kuranji. Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat 25153