تحليل إعداد مادة مهارة الكلام في كتاب دروس اللغة العربية للفصل الأول في المدرسة الإبتدائية

Elsa Sepputri, Ali Nasuha


The background of this research is due to the existence of a contradiction between the preparation of the subject of speaking skill in the Arabic language book for the first semester of primary school and the standard preparation of the subject of speaking skill by Abdul Rahman bin Ibrahim Al-Fawzan. Therefore, this study aims to find out the appropriateness of preparing speech skill material. This search method uses library search. The data sources used are in the form of books, magazines and websites relevant to the chosen topic. From the analysis of the speaking skill material in the Arabic language book for the first semester of the primary school, the result was that the Arabic language book for the first semester of the primary school complies with the criteria for compiling the speech skill materials collected by Abd al-Rahman bin Ibrahim al-Fawzan, but in the process of compiling the "dialogue", it must The author of the book should place it at the beginning of the subject, especially in the fifth and sixth lessons. Then, in Lesson 1 and 2, the author should place the exercise at the end of the material.

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