إدارة البيئة العربية: تحليل تنفيذ الترغيب والترهيب في معهد دار العلوم الإسلامية الحديثة سيبوحو

Renni Hasibuan, Muhammad Jundi


Pondok Modern Darul Ulum Sibaho emphasizes that the Arabic language program is one of its main advantages, by applying intimidation and enticement methods. Therefore, this research aims to reveal and describe how to achieve reward and punishment in applying the Arabic language environment in this pondok. The research methodology used is a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection through interviews and observation. Then the collected data was analyzed using deduction and description methods. The results of this research indicate that: 1) reward in implementing the Arabic language environment in this pondok is achieved through granting material and non-material rewards, such as certificates, money, food, and the like. 2) Punishment of the Arabic language environment in this pondok is divided into three categories: light, medium, and heavy. This is with the aim of ensuring that the incentives issued are proportional to the level of violation committed by the student. This type of enticement includes activities such as memorizing vocabulary, Arabic styles, cleaning the environment, keeping the bathroom clean, wearing a red hijab, in addition to other punishments according to established regulations. Thus, the application of reward and punishment becomes an integral part of the strategy for managing the Arabic language environment in this Islamic institute, with the hope of forming students’ discipline and commitment to using the Arabic language.

Keywords: Arabic Environmental; Reward; Punishment; Pondok Modern Darul Ulum Sipaho

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