Journal History

-- FEBRUARY 2021

Insearch was first published in February in 2021.
Insearch is an Information System Journal published by Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang.

The articles are written in Indonesian/English, and are published twice every year. Insearch encourages systematic study and research in Information System & Information Technology.

Insearch is already registered as an online publication since the first publication by LIPI with ISSN: 2775-4669

-- NOVEMBER 2021

Insearch already Indexed by Moraref, Garuda and Google Scholar.

-- MEI 2024

Insearch already Indexed by SINTA 5 for back issue Vol.1 No.2 2021 until future issue Vol.6 No.1 2026