Istikhdamu Padlet fi Nasyatit Tarjamah bi Majmu’atit Thalabah ICIS: Kayfal Istijabatu ‘anha?

Faris Maturedy


This study aims to describe the use of padlets in Arabic translation
activities into Indonesian. This research took place at the ICIS
organization. In this study, qualitative research methods were used with a case study approach. To obtain data about the activity and the
participants' response to the activity, the researcher conducted
interviews with 5 members of the Arabic language division. In addition,researchers conduct documentation to obtain data on teaching materials used during the activity. After the data was collected, researchers analyzed the data with the Miles and Huberman model. The model consists of 3 stages. That is, exposure, reduction and drawing conclusions. The study yielded two conclusions. That is, the translation learning steps assisted by Padlet and the responses of resource persons related to the activity. The learning step in question is that the person in charge of this activity uses Arabic aphorisms taken from Google Picture as teaching materials. Then the image was presented with Padlet media and shared with the participants. Furthermore, the participants gave a positive response to this activity. This can be seen in the timeliness in completing tasks by each participant and the input from each participant. Another experience is knowledge related to the use of Padlet as a medium for learning Arabic.


Arabic Translate, ICIS, Padlet, Translate Learning

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