اهحفاع وسائل معزفة الزكمي في الحعليم اللغة العزبية

Hapsah Fauziah


The purpose of this study is to describe the Utilisation of Digital Literacy in Arabic Language Learning and to identify the Adverse Impact of the Utilisation of Digital Literacy Media in Arabic Language Learning. This research used library research with a descriptive analysis approach. The data collection method is by exploring documents. The data sources are digital media, journals, and other
sources related to this research. The results showed that the Utilisation of Digital Literacy in Arabic Learning is very helpful for teachers and students in finding knowledge and information about Arabic so that it can help the learning process to be more effective and efficient. In addition to having a positive impact, the utilization of digital literacy media in Arabic language learning also has a negative impact, including the knowledge and information obtained can be
hoaxes, meaning that the truth is not certain so the information cannot be used as a valid reference or source. In addition, another bad impact of the use of digital literacy is to make someone lazy in seeking knowledge and information from the source, because the income of information from the internet and other digital
media is considered sufficient.


Media, Digital Literacy, Arabic Language Learning

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/lisaanuna.v6i2.7922
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