Tatwîr Wasîlah Lu’bah Scrabble Fî ta’lîm Al-Mufradat lî As-Shaf Al-Tsamin Fî Al-Madrasah Al-Tsanawiyah Al-Hukumiyah

Silvia Rahma Yanti


The main issue in this research is how the development  of the Scrabble game method was in teaching vocabulary to the eighth grade in the government secondary school.  The objectives of this research are: to analyze the needs of the Scrabble game tool, to describe the design, to develop the Scrabble game tool, to apply and to evaluate the  Scrabble game method in teaching vocabulary for the eighth grade in the government high school. This research is a developmental research with the ADDIE model, and it consists of five steps, the first, analysis (Analysis), the second design (Design), the third development (Develop), the fourth application (Implementation), and the fifth evaluation (Evaluation). The data collection tools in this research are the questionnaire to analyze the need for Arabic language teachers, students and experts to know its validation (in terms of means and materials). The questionnaire to find out the response of students and the teacher about the use  of the Scrabble game method. The results of the development research are: 1) Needs Analysis Developing a means of Scrabble game in teaching vocabulary, when the teacher and  students for the eighth grade in the government secondary school are appreciative and very needy. 2) Designing a means of the Scrabble game in teaching vocabulary, and its steps: data collection, designing a board and a means of the Scrabble game using Corel Draw, a practical paper and a means  of the  Scrabble game using Microsoft Word, book system and means of the game Scrabble using Canva. 3) Developing the means of the Scrabble game in teaching vocabulary, the result of ratification of the means is: 92.85%, and the result of the certification of materials provides its result 100%. This is an estimate in the sense that  the development of the Scrabble vocabulary teaching method for the eighth grade in the government secondary school is very good. 4) The application of the Scrabble  game   method in vocabulary education consists on The experiment of producing to the teacher has obtained a score  of 96.87% and to the students  has obtained  a result  of 99.31% in the  sense of using the means of  the Scrabble game in teaching vocabulary is  very agreeable. 5) Evaluation of the Scrabble game method  in vocabulary education consists on product modification and final production.


Media; Scrabble; Pembelajaran Mufradat

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/lisaanuna.v7i1.9716


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