Pemodelan dan Peramalan Deret Waktu Studi Kasus: Suhu Permukaan Laut di Selatan Jawa Timur
The sea surface temperature is one of the important components that can determine the potential of the sea. This research aims to model and forecast time series data of sea surface temperature by using a Box-Jenkins method. Data in this research are the sea surface temperatures in the South of East Java (January 1983-December 2013) with sample size of 372. 360 data will be used for modeling which is from January 1983 to December 2012, and data in 2013 will be used for forecasting. Based on the results of analysis time series, the appropriate models is SARIMA(1,0,0) (1,0,1)12 where can be written as Yt = 0,010039 + 0,734220Yt−1 + 0,014893Yt−12 − (0,734220)(0,014893)Yt−13 + 0,940726et−12 with MSE of 0.07888096.
Keywords: Sea surface temperature, time series, Box-Jenkins method
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