Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu di SD Negeri 79 Kota Bengkulu
The research objective is to develop and analyze the effectiveness of the device Integrated science learning at SD Negeri 79 Bengkulu City. The product is validated by science learning experts, science teachers, and peers. After the revision, the product was tested on a small class, then the product was tested on a large class. Test The feasibility of the product was used in a questionnaire and assessed by science learning experts, science teachers, and peers. The results of the t-test where t count = 0.343318 and t table = 1.674 so that Ho is accepted, meaning the effectiveness of mastering the concept of Integrated Science Learning from students is the same as the mastery of previous teaching and learning concepts.
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DOI: 10.15548/nsc.v8i1.3642
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