Profile of Students’ Environmental Literacy: A Hypotetic Model to Perform Effective Environmental Education
Environmental literacy is a measurement of the people’s knowledge about environment and its interaction with human life. One of the efforts to achieve environmental literacy is implementing environmental education. The research is focused on efforts to know 1) environmental literacy profile of students in green open space; 2) Hypothetical models for effective environmental learning based on student profile findings. This research is a type of descriptive research. The research subject is students of Junior High School (SMPN) 2 Suayan in the 2020/2021 school year. Total sample is 70 students. Test is used to measure students’ environmental literacy for the domain of knowledge. Non-tests is used to measure attitude and behavior domains. The number of questions/statements is 45 items with 15 questions/ statements for each domain. The average score for environmental literacy for these 3 domains is 77,1 % and is interpreted high. Based on literature and interview, high environmental literacy scores of students are at least influenced by two factors, namely 1) the implementation of environmental education in schools 2) students who are always exposed to green open spaces. Furthermore, based on this result, it is proposed a hypothetical model for the effective implementation of environmental.
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DOI: 10.15548/nsc.v8i1.3695
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