Character Education Values in Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK for Grade Tenth of Senior High School Students

Indah Kurnia Putri, Besral Besral


The purpose of this research was to analyze how textbook “Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK” integrated characters education values into each reading text. This study was qualitative in nature focusing on content analysis. The result of this study found that among the 18 character values recommended in the curriculum, there were 14 values released in the textbook including religiosity, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creativity, curiosity, nationalism, patriotism, appreciation, friendliness/communication, love of peace, social awareness, and responsibility. From those eighteen characters, hard work is the most dominant with the percentage of 17.7%. Meanwhile, environmental awareness, independent, democracy, and reading interest characters were not presented. Furthermore, Fifty-eight point eight percent of the materials were explicitly integrated with the character while others were integrated implicitly. The result showed that the author seemed to make it easy for the students to comprehend the character values in the texts or sentences.


analysis; character; education; value;textbook.

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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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