The Effect of Bamboo Dancing Method on Student’s Speaking Skill of Tenth Grade Student’s

Febriadi Febriadi, Hadeli Hadeli


This research2was2intended to find out the differences achievement on student’sspeaking skill between those who used a Bamboo Dancing Method and a Conventional Technique. In this experimental design, the population were tenth grade students of MAN 1 Kota Pariaman, they were divided in to seven classes, the total number were 221 students. The researcher was used cluster random sampling to get the sample. The2 sample consisted of 20 students. In this research was conducted by using experimental class and control class. Speaking test was the instrument for collecting the data. The data wereanalyzed by using t-test formula. The t-observed (35.5) t-table(1.734) than it can state t-observed > t-table (35.5> 1.734) at the level of significance 0.05with the degree of freedom (df) 18 based on the data calculation shows. The hypothesize was accepted that shows who were taught trough Bamboo Dancing method had better speaking skill those who were not. Therefore, in teaching speaking researcher recommend the teacher’s to apply Bamboo Dancing method on classroom.


Bamboo Dancing Method, Speaking skill.

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Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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