The Authenticity of English Material in Think Globally Act Locally for Elt Writing Instruction at Islamic Junior High School 1 Pariaman

Satry Merry Yelni, Elismawati Elismawati


The previous studies showed that lot of English textbooks are authentic to be used in the classroom and can be applied in real life , but there still many textbooks that need to be evaluated. On Government Regulation Number 32 of 2013 concerning National Education Standards, it is explained that the focus of assessment in the 2013 curriculum is the success of student learning in achieving the specified competency standards, including attitudes, skill and knowledge. The assessment used is authentic assessment and the material should be authentic. The assessment carried out includes the competence of attitudes, skills and knowledge during the learning process and can be applied in everyday life This issue motivated the researcher to study which aimed to find out whether the writing instruction in the textbook entitled “Think Globally Act Locally” meet the criteria of authenticity proposed by Ian McGrath (2002). Documentary analysis was used in this research in the form of qualitative descriptive research. The data of writing instruction were gathered from the English textbook. The result showed that the score for the authenticity of English material in writing instruction in the textbook was 77,27% which mean “Good”. In conclusion, the authenticity of writing instruction in the textbook “Think Globally Act Locally” were appropriate with the criteria authenticity based on Ian McGrath’s theory and could be used in the classroom.


textbook, writing instruction, authenticity.

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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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