The study aims to find out whether Round Table Technique give significant effect toward the students’ speaking skill. This research applied experimental research. Population of this research was all of the students at X Grade of Islamic Senior High School 3 Padang that consists of 138 students who were divided into four classes. Then, the researcher took X IPA 1 and X IPA 4 as sample that was chosen through cluster random sampling. The result were class X IPA 1 as the experimental class consist of 29 students and class X IPA 4 as control class consist of 28 students. In determining experimental class and control class, researcher used flipping coin. The experimental class was taught through Round Table Technique, while the control class was taught by without using Round Table Technique. Both classes got the same materials and the same teacher in five meetings. The data were collected from the score of post-test after the treatment. The Instrument of this research was an oral test. The data were analyzed by using statistical prosedures. It means that teaching speaking by using Round Table Technique gave significant effect on students’ speaking skill. Statistically, it showed that teaching speaking by using Round Table Technique gave significant effect toward students’ speaking skill at X Grade of Islamic Senior High School 3 Padang. So, the researcher recommended for English teacher should consider the use of Round Table Technique in teaching speaking.
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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang

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