Leni Asri, Rina Meyhani


Speaking has been challenging for most students in English as Foreign Language classrooms. It is critical for English teachers to keep updating their strategy on teaching speaking English. This study aims to see the effect of Team Stand-n-Share Strategy toward students speaking ability in Indonesia. The research is experimental by employing two classes: experimental class and control class as a sample. The experimental class was taught using Team Stand-n-Share Strategy in six meetings while the control class taught without the strategy. Students speaking test were analysed as data statistically. The result showed that the mean score of the experimental class (73.44) was higher than the mean scores of the control class (62.44). In addition, t-calculate (4.35) was more significant than t-table (1.676), which means that the hypothesis was accepted. Therefore, it is concluded that Team Stand-n-Share Strategy contributes significantly to students speaking ability.


Speaking ability; team stand-n-share strategy


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Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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