Yuniza BZ, Siska Yana Putri


Reinforcement is one of common strategies in EFL classroom management. This research aimed at determining types of reinforcement mostly used by the teacher and the correlation between teachers’ reinforcement and students’ achievement in EFL learning at Junior High School 3 Solok, Indonesia. The data were analyzed by using statistical correlation analysis. The study revealed positive an high categories in word reinforcement (85.71%); sentence reinforcement (80.18%); gestural reinforcement (82.62%); proximity reinforcement (76.43%); activity reinforcement (77.1%); and partial reinforcement (77.14%). For negative reinforcement, however, the indicator was high in giving addition task (71.43%). Moreover, based on students’ achievement, there was a significance correlation between teacher’s reinforcement and students’ achievement. It is concluded that the hypothesis (there was correlation between teacher’ reinforcement (X) and students’ achievement (Y), was accepted (rxy=0.482I; df 26 rtable = 0.373).


reinforcement; EFL learning; achievement; classroom management


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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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