Fitri Dwiyana, Besral -, Yuhardi -


The problems of this research are teachers confession that her experience was a little difficulty in implementing distance learning classes because she rarely used it. With a short time and without training, the teachers must directly apply it. Of course, here the teachers requires adaptation and also a strategy to teach English, teacher’s lack of variation technique and strategies in teaching reading during Online Learning at Junior High School 22 Padang. This policy of Online Learning that requries the EFL Teachers to improve or adjust their techniques and strategies and its relation to teacher’s techniques and strategies in teaching are interesting to be studied. This research focused on the teachers’ implementations of Online Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.The purposes were to describe the Teachers EFL Online Learning and to identify teachers perception of Implementation EFL Online Learning of During the COVID-19 Pandemic at SMPN 22 Padang. This study was conducted by using Qualitative Research Method namely through documentation, observation and interview. The researcher choose Two teachers of SMP N 22 Padang to collect the data. The researcher collected the data from the document, observation, and interview in SMP 22 Padang. The data were use analyzed. It is found that teachers at SMPN 22 Padang using Geschool and WhatsApp Group as a media to teaching Online Learning. The teachers using Online Learning strategies to teach the students during pandemic COVID-19. Through 3 stages: 1) Pre- Teaching, 2) While Teaching, 3) Post Teaching. However, more disadvantages than advantages while using Online Learning. It concluded, there are other factors that cause the weaknesses of reading EFL Online Learning in terms of policy, human resources, and the students motivations to learn. Several suggestion of this research were adddressed to the teachers improvisation for their Online Learning program, there are about policy of Online Learning, the media that can be use in Pandemic COVID-19.


Implementation, EFL, Online Learning, Covid-19

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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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