Renggi Vrika, Chanti Diananseri


Normally, fillers occur when a speaker pauses to consider what they wish to say without appearing to finish their speech. Fillers are not the main message; they just help to have meaning in sentences. This study was designed within the framework of descriptive qualitative design because it is intended to describe the analysis of spoken language features that are fillers found in casual conversation. The corpus for this study was derived from a transcript of a casual conversation conducted by a pair of women. So, the data of this study are in the form of naturally occurring data. There are a total of 129 turns to be analyzed to find the features of spoken language. After that, the researcher divided the turns into some clauses. There are a total of 178 clauses in the conversation. This study attempted to find out the types of fillers and their function of the filler. In this analysis, it found that both of them are found in this conversation, they are lexicalized filler and unlexicalized filler. The functions include holding turns, emphasizing, and interrupting. In the unlexicalized filler, there are forty-one fillers found in the conversation. The functions include holding turns, the mark of hesitation, emphasizing, and editing terms.


Lexicalized fillers, Unlexicalized filler, Casual Conversation

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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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