Widia Ayu Felani, Arwemi -, Luli Sari Yustina


This study aims to find the strategies used by teacher in teaching speaking at SMPN 31 Padang. Strategies in teaching speaking is a way that teacher provide to help students master their speaking skills, and to improve students' communicative competence in English. In this study, the researcher focused on analyzing the teacher strategy in teaching speaking English at SMP N 31 Padang. The research question are, what strategies are used by teachers and what strategy mostly used in teaching speaking. In conducting the research, the researcher used qualitative descriptive research. Researcher used observation and interview sheets to collect data. The subject of this research is an English teacher. The researcher used theory by Kayi, she describes thirteen strategies in teaching speaking, namely discussion, role play, simulation, information gap, brainstorming, storytelling, interviews, story completion, reporting, playing cards, pictorial narrative, drawing pictures, and finding differences. Based on the finding result the researcher found four strategies in teaching speaking. Those are; role play, brainstorming, story telling, and discussion. Meanwhile, the most widely used strategy by teacher in teaching speaking English is the role play strategy. The researcher concluded that by applying the formation role play strategy, students became more active and enthusiastic in learning to speak English with their seatmates.


Teaching Strategy, Teaching Speaking, Speaking Strategies

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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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