Yosdeni Hartuti, Melinda Roza, Chanti Diananseri


The study aims to analyze and describe the writing tasks in the English Textbook entitled “Talk Active” for the Twelve Grade Senior High Schools that are appropriate to the types of writing tasks as suggested by Paul Nation. This research is descriptive. The method of collecting data are (1) reading the English textbook entitled Talk active and (2) classifying the tasks containing writing tasks. The data are the materials for writing tasks found in the English textbook entitled Talk Active. The data source is an English textbook entitled “Talk Active”. The data were analyzed in steps: (1) finding the writing tasks in the textbook, (2) coding the data, (3) judging whether the writing tasks in the English textbook were appropriate with the writing task as suggested by Paul Nation, and (4) drawing conclusion and giving suggestion. Based on the analyzed data, the writing tasks found in the textbook are
(1) Experience task type: linked skills tasks, patrial writing, and setting your questions. (2) Shared task type: blackboard composition, group-class composition, group composition. (3) Guided task type: look and write, picture composition, delayed copying, writing with grammar, question answer, correction”, completion (complete the sentences), putting the words in order, following the model, changing the sentences, writing by steps, marking guided writing. And (4) Independent Task type. Among the twenty-seven sub-categories in the criteria of writing task suggested by Paul Nation, nineteen sub-categories are provided in the textbook. The result can conclude the writing task in the textbook entitled “Talk Active” for twelve-grade senior high school fulfilled the textbook because in the textbook most types of writing tasks are provided as suggested by Paul Nations theory.


Writing Task, Task Analysis, Textbook.

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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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