Rahmad Sani


This simple article describes the characteristics of Muhammad ‘Ali al-Shabuniy's interpretation in the book Safwah al-Tafâsîr. This discussion is qualitative in nature with a focus on his work, especially in the book Safwah al-Tafasir. This paper analyzes the characteristics of Muhammad ‘Ali al-Shabuniy's interpretation in the book Safwah al-Tafâsîr in the form of stages, methods and patterns of interpretation. From the results of the research conducted it can be concluded that Muhammad 'Ali al-Shabuniy used seven stages in interpreting the Qur'an, namely: Explaining the contents of the letter, munasabah, al-lughah, asbâb al-nuzûl, al-tafsîr, balaghah, and lesson or wisdom contained in the verse. The method of interpretation contained in the book Safwah al-Tafâsîr is the method of tahlîlî and the style of interpretation is adabi wa al-ijtimâ'i.


Muhammad ‘Ali al-Shabuniy, characteristics of interpretation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/tajdid.v21i1.239
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