Saidul Amin


Indiaisanimportantlandinthehistory ofreformationofreligious thought.There are manyMoslemscholarswere borninthe “India subcontinent”, for example,Syah Waliullah,AhmadKhan,Amir Ali,Iqbal,Ali Jinnah,Kalam Azadandothers.Every oneofthemactually hasasameobjective,torestorethe glory ofIslaminIndia,butuseddifferentapproaches.Theseconditionsspawned manyIslamic Movements,suchasliberalist,orthodox,reformist,andnationalist. Thisarticlewouldliketohighlighttherootofthehistory ofIslamicReform Movement inIndia.


Pembaharuan, Pemikiran Islam, India

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