Photo voice study: Planned Behavior of AI User Students in the Quranic Perspective

Novia Solichah, Ermita Zakiyah, Nurul Shofiah, Iqbal Ali Wafa, Verona Feisya Akhadya


The purpose of this study is to see how student behavior plans using photo voice studies in the use of AI from the perspective of the Qur'an, because technological advances are increasingly rapid and life problems are dynamic, so that AI on the one hand becomes the answer to all existing questions, students are easier to access all problems with AI technology. The Qur'an which is the end of the answer is used as the main solution when problems in life are also increasingly complex, just as AI is used as a solution in problems. This research uses the method of studying photo voice to see whether AI technology can answer problems in Islam and how the Qur'an responds to it, this research was conducted from August to October 2020 through a series of stages of implementation in accordance with the process of photovoice, data transcript and interviews, member checking, condensing facts related to AI Ethics in the Qur'an. The finding of this study is that AI cannot be used in Islamic studies in crucial problems, because Islam is dynamic so it requires more than one paradigm to answer it. The Qur'an gives the answer that everything can be answered and has a solution, only that man must look for clear instructions that are the Qur'an.


Study of photographic voice; behavior; students; perspective of the Qur'an

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