The Meaning Of Adza from The Perspective Of Al Ijtima'iy Tafsir And Its Correlation With Psychology

Santi Marito Hasibuan, Nada Putri Rohana


Physical and mental disorders have many types with various characteristics and diverse treatment methods. Some of these require conversation alone as therapy. However, there are also those who must consume the drug periodically accompanied by prolonged therapy. The Qur'an itself serves as a medicine for humans giving attention to people who experience disorders. This research is intended as a solution for people who experience physical and mental disorders. Library research is used as a method in this study with a descriptive analysis approach.The method of interpretation that the author uses is a thematic method. This means that the author in this study focuses on the theme of physical and mental disorders which the Qur'an terms with the word adzâ. This study concluded several findings, namely: Adzâ in the Qur'an means as a nuisance, hurt, dirt and distress. The forms of adzâ in the Qur'an are: physical and mental disorders. The cause of adzâ according to the Qur'an is riya', and fellowship Allah. The solution to overcome physical and mental disorders (adzâ) in the Qur'an is to forgive, ignore adzâ, fear Allah and be patient.


Qur'anic Solution, Physical Disorders, Mental Disorders, Adzâ

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