Bagindo Dahlan Abdullah : Tokoh Nasional yang Terlupakan (1895-1950)
Baginda Dahlan Abdullah, a man from Pariaman, West Sumatra. The
results discussed in this article are related to the biography and
political struggles of Baginda Dahlan Abdullah between 1895 and
1950. Baginda Dahlan Abdullah was the son of Baginda Abdullah and
Siti kali Tujuh (Uniang). He was born on July 5, 1895 in Kampung
Parsir Pariaman. He is the eldest of 10 siblings. His education began
with a Dutch school in Pariaman, then continued on to HIS in Padang,
Kweek school For de Kock (Bukitinngi), then to the Netherlands. After
attending a Dutch school, he finally attended Leiden University. His
political career began in the Netherlands, he joined the "Indonesian
Association". This is where the first time using the term Indonesia for
the nation. After returning to Indonesia, he led the Sumatran Union
and took part in spearheading the establishment of the PPPKI in order
to unify the vision of the struggle. After independence, he was
entrusted with becoming the Mayor of Jakarta, a member of the KNIP
and finally became ambassador to an Arab country, based in Baghdad
(Iraq). Here also he died (May 12, 1950).
Keywords: Culture, Bagindo Dahlan Abdullah, Tokoh yang terlupakan,
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Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

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